
#nawSHARING Farizan – Ilmu Bak Pelita Kehidupan

Hi Noor Arfa Lovers, harini admin nak kongsi kata-kata daripada Noor Arfa Warrior Farizan yang boleh menaikkan semangat korang.

Hi Noor Arfa Lovers, today admin wants to share few words from Noor Arfa Warrior Farizan that could lift up your spirit.





NAW Farizan yang baru-baru ini telah menjadi Stokis Noor Arfa berkongsi salah satu cara berjaya dalam bisnes yang boleh kita lakukan. Kalau tiada ilmu, maka susah nak berbisnes. Kita juga perlukan mentor untuk ajar apa yang kita kena buat, yang penting kita ambil tindakan! In shaa Allah mudah, in shaa Allah cepat kita grow, kata NAW Farizan.

NAW Farizan that has become Noor Arfa Stokist recently shared one of the ways to success in business that we could follow. If there is no knowledge, then there will be difficulties in business. We have to have our mentor to educate us on what we should do, importantly we need to take action! In shaa Allah it will be easy, In shaa Allah we will grow fast, said NAW Farizan.


NAW Farizan percaya yang benda paling utama dalam membuat sesuatu adalah ILMU. Beliau masih mencari ilmu secara berterusan lagi-lagi apabila beliau sudah bina ‘team’, kini tanggungjawabnya makin besar untuk beri tunjuk ajar kepada mereka. Jelasnya lagi, kalau tiada ilmu, pasti sukar nak beri tunjuk yang betul, sepertimana beliau sudah berjanji untuk bantu mereka dan kongsi rezeki dengan ahli-ahli dropship dibawahnya. Targetnya supaya pendapatan anak team-nya akan capai tahap tak perlu sentuh gaji hakiki mereka. Mereka capai ke tahap boleh berbelanja, makan minum, bayar semua komitmen dengan hasil bisnes sahaja sebagaimana yang NAW Farizan rasa sekarang manakala gaji kerja hakiki, mampu mereka simpan sepenuhnya.

NAW Farizan believed that the main thing is KNOWLEDGE. She is still gaining knowledge every here and then, especially after she had formed her team, now her responsibility is bigger to show the ways to them. Explaining further, if there is no knwoledge, there will be difficulties to guide them correctly just like how she promised to help and share the blessing gained with the dropship members under her. Her target, so that her team members could achieve to the level of not using their income gain. To point of where they could manage tehir expenses, foods and pay all of their commitment with the result of their business only just like how NAW Farizan doing now while the main income could be saved fully by them.



Insyallah. Harap bermanfaat untuk pembaca-pembaca sekalian.

Insyallah. May this writing benefit you all.





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