

Hi, Noor Arfa Lovers, hari ini kita akan kongsikan tentang kisah seorang ejen sah Noor Arfa, iaitu Puan Hartini. Di FB live video Noor Arfa, satu temubual tentang pengalamannya dalam menjadi ejen sah dibawah Noor Arfa diadakan.

Hi, Noor Arfa Lovers, today we will be sharing on the journey of one of the Noor Arfa agent, that is Mrs Hartini. In Noor Arfa FB live video, an interview was held about her life experience in becoming an agent under Noor Arfa.


Puan Hartini, berasal daripada Kelantan bekerja dengan kontraktor di Subang Jaya dan merupakan jurutera awam serta berkerja sambilan menjadi ejen sah Noor Arfa. Beliau telah kenal Noor Arfa sudah lama, sekitar 2009 secara kebetulan. Beliau mengenali Noor Arfa secara lebih dekat pada tahun 2018 dan terus menyertai team Noor Arfa Warriors. Sebelum ini, beliau juga pernah menyertai dropship barangan kosmetik, tapi beliau menerangkan beliau tidak minat dan pakai produk yang dijualnya itu dan membuatkannya mengabaikan bisnesnya itu. Puan Hartini telah bersama dengan Noor Arfa selama 2 tahun dan masih berkekalan kerana barang yang tidak perlu mencari nama serta kualiti dijamin bagus. Lagi, produk Noor Arfa sudah mempunyai ramai peminat dan senang jual. Sesi pembelajaran bisnes melalui live daripada Sir Hafiz dan Tcer Isma membantunya.

Beliau juga berkongsi jualan tertingginya adalah RM4,000 sebulan. Faktor kejayaan tu ialah daya tarikan pelanggan beliau apabila dia memakai produk dijualnya sendiri. Beliau menyimpan duit yang diperoleh daripada jualan untuk membeli barang kemas yang beliau nak. Pesanannya untuk orang ramai menyertai Noor Arfa Warriors adalah dropship bersama Noor Arfa sangat sesuai untuk suri rumah sebab hanya perlu promosi dan tak perlu pos, team Noor Arfa yang poskan barang pelanggan. Bukan tu je, ‘copy-writing’ juga disediakan. Sekarang, Puan Hartini mempunyai ‘team’ sendiri seramai 7-8 orang dropship dibawahnya. 

Mrs Hartini, who is a Kelantanese is a civil engineer working with a contractor in Subang Jaya also who is working part-time as Noor Arfa agent. She had known Noor Arfa quite long, in 2009 in coincidence. She knew Noor Arfa Empire closer in 2018 and since then joined Noor Arfa Warriors. Before this, she also joined as a dropship of cosmetic product, but she explained that she did not favor the product and did not consume the product thus making her abandon the business. Mrs Hartini has been with Noor Arfa for 2 years and still together because the products need no search for its already known name thus its guaranteed quality. Moreover, products of Noor Arfa has already lots of fans and easy to promote. Coaching session via live from Sir Hafiz and Tcer Isma has also helped her.

She shared that her highest sale is RM4,000 a month. The factor of her success is the attraction the customers feel when they saw she wears her products. She said that the income she gets, she save it to buy jewellery that she wants. Her advice for everyone that wants to join Noor Arfa Warriors is being a Noor Arfa dropship is suitable for housewives because they only need to promote and do not need to post products because team Noor Arfa will be doing that for them. Not only that, copy-writing is prepared. Now, Mrs Hartini has her own team consist of 7-8 dropships under her.




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