

Hi, Noor Arfa Lovers, tajuk kita hari ini adalah, ‘Kecaman dalam bisnes’. Haa, yang berbisnes mesti faham kan macam mana kena kecam bila kita buat promosi bisness kita?

Hi, Noor Arfa Lovers, our topic of the day is, ‘Criticism in Business’. Haa, those who are doing business would know how it feels to receive backlashes when we promote our business?

Sebenarnya, ramai yang tak senang bila kita maju daripada mereka. Dalam ramai kenalan kita, pasti ada yang tak suka akan tindakan kita dalam diam. Itu belum disebut tentang pesaing dalam bisnes, lagilah bermacam kecaman diterima untuk menganggu tahap motivasti dan emosi kita. Tcher Isma ada berikan sedikit pesanan untuk kita atasi kecaman yang kita dapat dalam berbisnes.

Actually, many do not like it when we are advanced than them. In our contact lists, there will always be the ones that do not approve of our actions without our knowledge. I have not talk about business rivals, there will be more criticism to demotivate and mess with our emotions. Tcher Isma gave a little advice for us to overcome our criticism in business.

Jangan fikir pasal orang, jangan fikir pendapat negatif orang lain terhadap kita kerana dia tak kisah pasal kita, kenapa kita nak kisah pasal dia? Biarkan suara-suara sumbang itu untuk capai apa yang kita nak. Yang paling penting, korang kene berfikiran selalu ingin berbisnes, oleh itu perlu mempunyai impian untuk ketahui tujuan kita berbisnes. Tcher Isma juga tambah, kita kene fokus kepada matlamat kita, untuk dapatkan apa yang kita nak. Ketepikan kecaman dan buat sahaja (bisnes). Kita kene fokus terhadap apa kita nak dan tinggalkan suara kecaman terhadapkita. KIta perlu buang rasa takut dikecam dan kedua perlu yakin untuk buat sesuatu benda dan tindakan iaitu sales. Kita boleh buat, tapi adakah kita buat?

Do not think about others, do not think about others’ negativity opinion on us because they do not even care about us, why should we? Let their biased voices so that we could achieve what we targeted. The most important thing is, we need to always have a will in business. that is why we need to have goals to know our direction in business. Tcher Isma added, we need to focus on our principle to get what we want. Put aside the citicism and just do it. We need to fokus on what we want and ignore the hate on us. We also need to push away the feeling of insecurity and second, be brave to do something that is sales. We can do it, but do we do it?


Betul apa yang Tcer Isma cakap. Kalau kita asyik fikr apa yang orang lain fikir pasal kita, sampai bila kita tak bergerak ke hadapan? Sebab kita berhenti adalah kita terlalu fikirkan benda yang tak penting. Bukan tak boleh terima kecaman, tapi terimalah ia sebagai batu loncatan buat kite berbisnes.


What Tcer Isma said was true. If we always think about others’ opinion about us, when will we move forward? The reason why we stop is we think too much, the things that are not important. Accept the criticism and make it as your motivation in doing business.








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